The Institute for Leadership in a digital Age (IFIDZ), Wiesbaden, researches the impacts of digital change on the leadership culture of companies – on a personnel and organisational level. It also examines how the challenges resulting from this development can be mastered by the businesses and and which structures and competences as well as capabilities and skills are required to do this successfully.

Management and leadership development in the digital age

Findings and conclusions with regard to a future-oriented management development and leadership development are shared by the IFIDZ with the business world in studies as well as conferences, seminars and lectures. This way the institute helps companies to be prepared for the challenges of their markets and be able to actively exploit the opportunities emerging from market changes.

Tool to develop agile and digital leadership competence

To determine which of the competences required in the digital age business leaders already have and which they still need to acquire, the IFIDZ has developed a proprietary analysis tool and procedure, the Leadership Index for Digital Transformation (LEADT). It is based on the results of the study “Alpha Intelligence – What tomorrow’s leaders need”, prepared and published by the IFIDZ in collaboration with the F.A.Z. Institute in 2015, and the 2016 Meta Study “Leadership Competences in the digital age” of the IFIDZ, identifying 21 competences characterising Digital Leaders and Agile Leaders. The LEADT eables businesses to plan their leadership development measures in a targeted, needs-, people- and future-oriented way.

Your leadership & management consultants in the digital age

The IFIDZ was founded by Barbara Liebermeister; she is also the Managing Director of the institute. The management consultant is the author or several books and numerous articles on the topics of leadership, (relationship) management and communication in the digital age. She is also in high demand as a conference speaker on these topics.

The IFIDZ cooperates – for example in the subject matters management developend and leadership development – with the Free University of Berlin, the HAW Hamburg (DMI faculty), the RWTH Aachen University, The F.A.Z.-Institute and the Bavarian wholesale and foreign trade association (LGAD). In its work, the institute applies an interdisciplinary, practical and application-oriented approach, bringing together the latest insights from various scientific disciplines, such as business management and psychology  while drawing on the broad technical expertise and practical experience of the IFIDZ team and expert network. Its members work across all industries in various management and HR disciplines.