Barbara Liebermeister, Leitung IFIDZBarbara Liebermeister is the founder and Managing Director of the IFIDZ. The management consultant has, amongst other things, coined the term Alpha Intelligence®, which summarises the skills of successful leaders in the digital age.

Management Consultant & Coach

Barbara Liebermeister’s work is based on many years’ experience in corporate management as well as working as a management consultant and coach. In these roles she observed, researched and developed the core competences of successful leaders – including strategic networking, a specific type of communication, an internally and externally confident demeanour, relationship management and innovative strength.
For more than twenty years, international corporations and larger medium-sized companies have been relying on Barbara Liebermeister’s expertise and competence by booking her (and her team) as a consultant, trainer, coach or conference speaker.

Lecturer & conference speaker

Barbara Liebermeister has lecture assignments at the RWTH Aachen and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. She studied business administration and has trained as a business & management coach/trainer. She is the author of several books and has published numerous articles on the topic “leadership and networking in the digital age”.