The IFIDZ offers a comprehensive choice of seminars covering all topics relevant for leadership – from intensifying soft skills and resource management through to strengthening Alpha Intelligence. Our executive seminars as well as leadership and networking seminars were developed to help optimise leadership skills and give you and your staff a head-start in your everyday business routine. Please also take a look at our open executive seminars (in German).

Executive seminars

The seminar based on the Barbara Liebermeister’s new book: Many leaders are flustered by digitalisation. Questions they ask themselves include: Which leadership behaviour will be required in the future? And: to what extent do I need to adjust my attitude and behaviour? This seminar provides answers to these questions by demonstrating which thinking and behavioural patterns characterise a “digital leader”. At the same time, participants are encouraged to approach new challenges head on, because there’s one key factor in the leadership process which does not change: the human being. It has the same (basic) needs as ten or even a hundred years ago Target group: Executives/leaders. Junior executives – across industries and functions Core content:

  • What are the key success factors – of companies, leaders – in the digital age?
  • Which thinking/behavioural patterns characterise companies and leaders who successfully master digital change? What are they doing differently?
  • How do human beings “tick”? What motivates and drives them?
  • To what extent does the growing interconnectedness, digitisation change the expectations as well as desires and needs of customers and staff?
  • To what extent does the leadership culture of our company, my leadership style/behaviour already correspond to the requirements of the digital age?
  • What are the biggest barriers (to success)? How can these be overcome?

Duration: One-day seminar Methodology: Stimuli, exchange of (practical) experience, reflection. You can look forward to an unconventional seminar approach! Benefits to participants include:

  • You find out, which attitudes and behavioural patterns characterise digital leaders and get to understand your personal hurdles for more success in the digital age.
  • You learn, how other decision makers/companies master the challenges of the digital age.
  • You receive a “compass” for your future leadership work.
  • You gather the necessary energy to approach the required changes head-on.

The specific structure and content of the seminar will be determined in collaboration with the company booking the services.

Due to an increasing interconnectedness, a strong need for change and the dominating team and project work, the digital age partially requires a different leadership behaviour than what was necessary in the past. What are the key success factors of leadership in the digital age? Which attitudes and behavioural patterns characterise a digital leader? This seminar for leaders and executives was developed to answer these questions. Plus, you’ll be provided with a compass to help you develop into a “digital leader” and have the desired impact as an executive. Target group: Executives with initial leadership experience – across industries and functions Core content:

  • How does leadership work today? How does leadership change in the digital age (results of latest studies, field research)?
  • Which skills and attributes characterise a digital leader?
  • To what extent have I already developed these competences (individual analysis with the “digital readiness indicator”)?
  • How can I, as an executive, build and expand the respective skills and attributes?
  • How do I, as an executive, shape communication with my staff in the digital age? How do I use social, electronic media?
  • How do I, as an executive, take the desired effect in my day-to-day leadership role?
  • How do I review whether my (leadership) behaviour is effective?

Duration: 1 to 2 days Methodology: practice-oriented, strongly interactive, individual/team tasks, individual analysis of digital leadership attributes, group discussion, simulation of specific situations, stimuli through mini talks and videos Benefits to participants include:

  • You find out, which attributes characterise successful leaders in the digital age.
  • You learn, to what extent you have already developed these skills, attributes (individual analysis with the “digital readiness indicator”).
  • You find out, which methods/instruments you can use to successfully shape leadership in the digital age.
  • You draft your own individual development plan.
  • You define rules for yourself on how to effectively shape communication with your staff – also with the help of social media.

The specific structure and content of the seminar will be determined in collaboration with the company booking the services.

Digitisation facilitates collaboration across borders. Whether it’s email, Skype or WhatsApp – more and more, leaders communicate digitally with their staff, peers and superiors. This change of work and communication structures also requires a change in leadership behaviour. How can executives lead virtual teams? How do they ensure effective communication and collaboration whilst never or very rarely actually meeting their staff and colleagues? How does the required team spirit develop in that case? And how can employees be developed? This seminar provides the answers to such questions. Target group: Executives, project leads and decision makers from all areas – across all industries Core content:

  • What are the biggest risks/challenges when leading at a distance, leading virtual teams?
  • What do employees expect from their leader when leading at a distance?
  • How do we develop trust, and how do we create a spirit of commitment in virtual teams?
  • How can we use electronic/social media to establish and strengthen relationships?
  • Leveraging the different leadership styles in accordance with the situation
  • Supporting and developing staff at a distance

Duration: 1 to 2 days Methodology: Stimuli, exchange of (practical) experience, reflection. You can look forward to an unconventional seminar approach! Upon request, the insights gained during the seminar can be reflected on in a webinar about 6 weeks later. Benefits to participants include:

  • You find out, which attitudes leaders in the digital age need.
  • You experience how easy it is to lead a virtual team or individuals in the digital age – provided you have the right attitude.
  • You learn, how team development is also possible at a distance.
  • You find out, how other decision makers/companies master the challenges of leading virtual teams.
  • The different information and communications media: modes of action and possible applications.
  • You learn to establish lasting relationships with employees – also across borders.

The specific structure and content of the seminar will be determined in collaboration with the company booking the services.

The growing digital interconnectedness has also changed our information and communication behaviour. In the digital age: how can establishing/strengthening contact and relationships be successful? How can we distinguish ourselves as interesting and attractive partners? How can we get people to be enthusiastic about ourselves and our ideas? Participants of this networking and relationship management seminar will find answers to these questions. At the same time, they’ll get to know numerous methods and systematics to establish and maintain a valuable relationship network in the digital age. Target group: Managers, executives and sales executives facing the challenges of establishing viable business relationships and relationship networks in their roles. Core content:

  • Communication and relationship management in the digital age
  • The 4 deadly sins and the 10 commandments of networking
  • People remain people! How does establishing relationships between people work?
  • How do I become an attractive (networking) partner?
  • The 5-phase approach to efficient networking.
  • Development of a personal networking strategy for the digital age
  • Analysing your own network and expanding it systematically
  • How digital do I need to be? What do I need to aware of?
  • Simply approaching people
  • Turning contacts into valuable (business) relationships

Duration: 1 to 2 days Methodology: Conveying fundamental content through expert input; provide inspiration through videos, individual and team work, group discussion Benefits to participants include:

  • You learn why effective networking, relationship management becomes more and more important for (personal) success in the digital age.
  • You learn how successful networking (in the digital age) works.
  • You get to know the different phases of an active contact and relationship management.
  • You get to know methods and tool for systematically establishing and maintaining contacts and relationships.
  • You practice actively approaching people you don’t know.
  • You learn presenting yourself as an attractive network partner.
  • You learn leveraging social, electronic media for establishing and strengthening contacts and relationships.
  • You return into your everyday business routine motivated and inspired by many new approaches and ideas for revitalising your relationship network.

The specific structure and content of the seminar will be determined in collaboration with the company booking the services.

If companies want to develop the flexibility and agility, innovation and transformative power required in this VUCA world – where change and limited predictability determine the pace – they need intrinsically motivated staff across hierarchies and functions. They need staff who will take matters into their own hands when necessary and independently take initiative because they identify themselves with their work and their employer, are aware of their strengths and therefore have confidence in their own ability. How can leaders ignite and keep this “fire” burning amongst their staff so that these act as top staff (also in the future)? How can they ensure they don’t burn out themselves so that they can still motivate and stimulate their staff tomorrow? That’s the focus of this seminar. Target group: Executives, project leads/managers – across divisions and functions. Core content:

  • What motivates people
  • How can their intrinsic motivation be triggered/stimulated?
  • Imparting a sense of purpose – a key task of leaders
  • Leading individually and with value orientation
  • Thinking and leading with strength orientation
  • Emotional stability; the greatest asset of leaders
  • Strengthening one’s own attentiveness and resilience
  • Creating a high-performance culture: the 3:1 formula of successful teams.

Methodology: dynamic and motivating mix of talks and self-evaluations, (self-reflections, individual, partner, group) exercises and discussions – if required, in combination with individual coaching Duration: 1.5 to 2 days Benefits to participants include:

  • You know the importance of intrinsically motivated staff for the company’s success in the digital age.
  • You know what motivates both digital natives and digital immigrants.
  • You know your own “driving forces”.
  • You know the importance of your physical and emotional stability for your leadership success and are familiar with methods to maintain it.
  • You can lead your staff individually and with value and strength orientation.
  • You have a plan on how to develop your team into a high-performance team.

The specific structure and content of the seminar will be determined in collaboration with the company booking the services.

In Germany, there’s a dramatic imbalance between the real work and living conditions and the well-being experienced. The solution seems to be improving how we handle the stressors of our time – such as permanent change, increased work density, etc. If you ask people what stresses them, the answer given most frequently is: “work”. With that, they overlook the actual source of our problems: our thinking. Because this influences what we expect, what we do, and, consequently, what we experience. So, it’s not “work”, constant accessibility or the fast pace of our time that put us under pressure, but the way we worry about it – and how we infect each other with these thoughts. This seminar shows how employees can reduce their “negative stress” to prevent burnout. Target group: (future) top performers of companies, professionally strongly engaged staff Core content:

  • What is negative stress and how does it occur
  • What triggers satisfaction, pleasure and passion in people?
  • What do stress-resistant people do differently?
  • What’s the connection between physical and mental well-being and capacity and commitment?
  • How does self-care work in times/situations of stress?
  • How do you recognise and prevent stressors?
  • Why self-care is the best burnout prevention

Duration: 1 to 2 days Methodology: dynamic and motivating mix of talks and self-evaluations, (self-reflections, individual, partner, group) exercises and discussions – if required, in combination with individual coaching Benefits to participants include:

  • • You know the difference between “negative” and “positive” stress (distress and eustress). • You know how negative stress develops. • You know the importance of doctrines for our feelings. • You know the correlation between individual well-being and individual performance. • You know what triggers “negative” stress for you and know strategies to avoid it. • You know methods and strategies to maintain your mental balance and your health in times/situations of stress. • You treat yourself and the people surrounding you more attentively.

The specific structure and content of the seminar will be determined in collaboration with the company booking the services.


Please note: In addition to internal company seminars, the IFIDZ also holds seminars open to individual participants (in German). Upon request, all open seminars can be held as internal company seminars as well.

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Would you like to receive further information on our talks and speeches, or do you have specific questions? Just give us a call or send us an e-mail. We look forward to talking to you!